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2022년 이전/News Clipping

페이스북 VR 스튜디오 인수

페이스북 지난 몇 년간 게임 스튜디오 지속 인수함. VR 타이틀 개발한 개발자들 데리고 옴. 이러한 일환에서 최근 Ready at Dawn Studios 인수. 오큘러스 시리즈 중 최고 성공작인 Lone Echo라는 게임 개발한 회사. 스튜디오는 그동안 페이스북과 오큘러스랑 긴밀하게 일함. Lone Echo 2는 2019년 발매 예정이었는데 연기 됨. 아마 내년 쯤 발매 예정. 자세한 합병 내용은 안 밝혀졌지만 팀 전체가 페이스북으로 들어옴. 그동안 VR 발전은 느리게 진행. 하드웨어 가용성 부족 때문. 페이스북의 이번 인수는 VR 업체들이 투자 지속할 수 있는 원동력 제공할 것으로 보임. 



Facebook acquires VR studio behind ‘Lone Echo’ – TechCrunch

Facebook has been on a game studio acquisition spree over the past year, buying up developers behind some of the most popular VR titles. That trend continued today with the company’s acquisition of Ready at Dawn Studios, the developer behind the Lone Ech
